The earth was made perfectly, with perfect weather, perfect environment, perfect food, and perfect people (Genesis 1,2). Among all the wonderful things, there was even gold laying on the ground!
So what happened? Freedom of choice means that we are susceptible to falsehood. Sin entered the world (Genesis 3).
The Bible sanctuary is the way God leads us to eternal life. “Your way, O God, is in the Sanctuary: Who is so great a God as our God?” (Psalm 77:13 NKJV) The Sanctuary represents the relationship between God and you. In the Sanctuary, God shows his love to you. Ever since the painful beginnings of Earth’s history, people have hoped and trusted God to save them from loss. The Sanctuary is the guide to a greater understanding and assurance of your own salvation!
This web site presents the Bible Sanctuary as a practical guide. Each topic answers questions like,
‘What was the Sanctuary, and what about all those sacrifices?’
‘How does that relate to the people in the Bible?’
‘What does any of this have to do with me?’
Through the study of the Sanctuary you can better understand the pains of this world, connect with God to find hope, and experience improvement in your life, even in the lives of those around you. The Sanctuary really is the place of safety.